
Welcome to PCBA

Read on to find out all about our new commercial property focused buyers agency. Take a moment to understand who is behind PCBA, why we like commercial property so much, and how we can help investors.

Who are we? We are Perth Commercial Buyers Agents (PCBA). Founded by Kent and Anthony who were introduced by a mutual friend some years ago who connected their passions for commercial property. Over the years we have been catching up and discussing deals frequently and the idea was born in 2022 to set up a commercial property focused buyers agency.

What is PCBA? We are a buyers agency focussed 100% on commercial property in Western Australia. We are Perth people and believe that we can best serve our clients by focusing on areas that we know and where we have developed a deeper understanding of the market. We can help you source commercial property investments that outperform.

Why Commercial? Generally speaking we believe that commercial property offers better cash flow than residential property, without necessarily compromising on capital growth. Well sourced commercial property can return net yields of anywhere between 5-10%, which is significantly more than residential property which can be as low as 3% (net). That combined with longer leases, transparent valuation metrics, and ability to add value gets us excited about commercial property.

What makes PCBA unique? We are the only buyers agency based in Perth, focused solely on acquiring commercial property in WA for investors and business owners. Many other buyers agencies exist, but they tend to be East Coast based, or may be local but also have a residential focus or include property sales. We don’t want the distractions or conflicts of interest with other services, and we want to dive deep into our local markets to understand them and better identify value for our clients.